Planning Obligations
Conduct & Probity
Quality in Design
Highways & Traffic
Planning Obligations
Enforcement of Planning

Planning Obligations

The seminar is aimed at the controversial use of Planning Obligations.  Are planning permissions for sale to the highest bidder or is this a legitimate mechanism for off-setting the true costs of development to the community?  Current Government proposals include a straight-forward tariff scheme to avoid the complexities of negotiating 106 agreements so how will that affect future schemes?

  • The legal status of Section 106 agreements

  • Planning agreements

  • Unilateral undertakings

  • When are Planning Obligations appropriate?

    • Establishing ‘need’ or a ‘reasonable relationship’

  • The benefits of issuing ‘Supplementary Planning Guidance’

  • Reforms to Planning Obligations

    • Fees and tariffs

  • Recent case law



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